Love You More

My Dear Sweet Beautiful Girl ~

Do you know how much I love you?

I love you more than all the stars in the sky.

So, it’s my job to protect you from the shame you place on yourself.

For you see, if someone hurts you…it’s not your fault…

If someone ignores you…it’s not your fault…

If someone rejects you…it’s not your fault…

Stop looking within to blame, and judge…

Look within for unconditional love, and compassion…

Breathe deep…Stand tall…Embrace who you are…

For you hold the key…

To living your best life…to loving your best self…

It’s within you; where its always been…

Where it always will be…


~ Follow The Yellow Brick Road ~



Step Back
A Girl’s First Love

3 Comments. Leave new

  • ome people have a gift for putting the wordless into words. you are one of those people Diana. click your heels together 3x and say there’s no place like home. you have all the love & compassion, truth & wisdom, courage & strength within your Self. when our Beautiful Being cares for our emotions and thoughts we recover, grow, heal, transform and change. when our emotions and thoughts are in charge of our Beautiful Being we hurt and suffer emotionally, mentally, physically, behaviorally, relationally. thank you Diana for sharing your Beautiful Being with us!

  • A beautiful letter to remind ourselves that all the systemic shame & guilt others expected for us to absorb, can calcify into our own response to ourselves. For we can not sustain a life worth living if we believe this. The primal urge to survive in the most harsh conditions eventually succumbs to its own demise by believing we are inherently & catastrophically flawed. Its called the slow death of the soul. The soul can not sustain its physical capsule of a body when the brain is hard-wired to believe we are not deserving of love. Thats when we must remind ourselves that we are much more than the image we were led to believe by humanity. And need to be still, and listen. There is a source of unconditional love built within us. Its power can thrash all the energies carefully crafted to drown out that voice. And when you find it, hang on tight. The beautiful poem above is that voice. And it lives within you.

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